25 March - Day 21 - 'You cannot prevent birds of sorrow from flying over your head, but you can prevent them from building nests in your hair.' Proverb

The sun was shining, the tree blossom was starting to come out, I didn’t need my heated socks and the roads were relatively quiet - What more could I ask for?

Well.. I was just heading downhill rather quickly when a squirrel decided to run across the road right in front of me. I braked (still screeching I’m afraid) and so it froze and luckily did an about turn before continuing its journey towards my wheel. I have included a picture I managed to take. You can barely see the squirrel so it doesn’t look very dramatic I’m afraid!

A couple of miles later, I pull up at traffic lights and quite a large stick is dropped by a bird right on top of me, much to the amusement of the person in the car next to me. What I have done to upset the wildlife of Sheffield, I do not know but going with the proverb, they haven’t yet built a nest in my hair. Sorrow may fly nearby but with sun and inspiring views, I’ll focus today on how lucky I am to be able to appreciate what is around me… and smile.

Sheffield in the sunshine

Sheffield in the sunshine

Ruth Moore