Every year, as a charity we need to raise £550,000 to keep St Wilfrid’s Centre running to provide a supportive caring environment for vulnerable and socially excluded adults.

St Wilfrid’s Centre comes under the governance of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Hallam (registered charity 512021) who also provide our premises but no direct financial assistance. 


The best way to support St Wilfrid’s Centre is to make a regular donation to ensure that we can continue our services and plan for the future.

How can your donations help? 

£1506 to run St Wilfrid’s Centre for a day

£460 to cover the cost of one Welfare Worker each week

£100 to deliver Skills for Living Sessions each day

£52 at least to heat the Centre for a day

£40 for all the 2-course hot meals each day

£25 for materials for the workshop and sessions each day

£10 to run the washing machines each week

£1 for a shower

20p for a mug of tea

Lent to lent Challenge - Sponsor a Day
Make a one off donation

How else can you donate?

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Donate Supplies

We rely heavily on donations in kind to keep our running costs to a minimum. We always gratefully receive one-off or regular donations of food, nearly-new clothing, sleeping bags, stationery and arts supplies. If you or your business has any good quality items that you need a good home for then contact us to see if we can put them to good use and to arrange a delivery time. 

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Leaving a Gift in your Will

Many people find it comforting to know that they can help others after their death. By leaving a gift to St Wilfrid’s Centre in your will, you will be supporting us in the longer term and help us to continue to be there for our clients in the future. If you would like support in leaving a legacy to St Wilfrid’s Centre then please contact us and we can provide you with further information.