24 March - Day 20 - “It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.” JK Rowling

I fell out of bed last night. Not something I usually do or can even remember doing before. I know I was dreaming about being on a cliff and having to jump out of the way of a falling rock but I certainly woke up once I found myself on the carpet with a painful hand and knee two seconds later. I know…most people just wake up in a comfortable bed after such a dream - trust me to do it the hard way.

I’m sure that there will be various interpretations by those who are interested in such things (a quick internet search revealed 25 contradictory ideas straightaway) but it was probably due to the homemade stew and suet dumplings I ate yesterday evening, rather than any significant life event. It did bring to mind the JK Rowling quotation. With us all waiting for lockdown to end and changes to happen, it is easy to forget to appreciate each day as it is. There may have been many negatives over the past year but there has also been an increased appreciation of life itself, those around us and the things we value most.

By the end of today, I will have completed four full weeks. So with only 26 weeks to go and a 3900 miles left, I will try and avoid any more falls and will remember to live while also trying to make the dreams for St Wilfrid’s Centre a reality.

Ruth Moore