16 April - Day 35 - ‘April hath put a spirit of youth in everything.’ Shakespeare

Well - I did promise you a longhorn calf and the morning was perfect to capture one. The sky really was that blue - I haven’t altered the actual picture at all - in case you were wondering!

I’ve certainly felt the cycling and early morning freezing temperatures this week but I’ve also seen some incredible views and sights in the bright sunshine. So - although I was going to give today the title ‘Calf strain’ after feeling so tired this morning, instead I thought that the Shakespeare quote was much more fitting. Sometimes all we need is an uplifting view, a bit of sunshine, love or support to make us feel a spirit of youth, a spirit of belonging. As we go in to the weekend, I hope you all find a spirit of youth in something you do, look at or read and perhaps more importantly have that affect on others. At this time of year, glorious days are often preceded by very cold mornings but without one, I am sure that we would not be able to appreciate the other. Thank you for putting the spirit of youth (definitely not the body or fitness of youth) in me this April through your generous donations and your words of support.

And I’ve only just realised that yesterday, I went over the thousand mile mark. At the end of today, it will be 1050 miles completed and only 3450 to go!

Ruth Moore