2 March - Day 6 - There's no sunshine...

So much for hoping for sunshine today …. or even just warmer weather. I could not feel my feet this morning when I got to the Centre, despite thermal socks and heat patches that you stick on your socks. The warmth is supposed to last for 8 hours but Helen can verify from my moaning and groaning about not being able to feel my feet when I arrived, that there certainly was not 8 hours of warm glow around my toes, or even I should say - eight minutes.

I’d barely warmed up, when I had to set off again for a meeting at the Diocesan Pastoral Centre so the person who sponsored today got an extra few miles. It was an interesting cycle route along cycle paths I didn’t know, bypassing Park roundabout (I was fearing what might happen when I got in the wrong lane!) and arriving at the Pastoral Centre safe and sound.

This evening, it felt slightly warmer and the sun was trying to get through, as seen in the picture, but the highlight was a heron that flew up out of a stream by my side and disappeared (if only I’d got a picture of that!). I spent the whole rest of the journey wondering how such large clumsy looking creatures manage to fly… I suppose a similar question to how the Director of St Wilfrid’s Centre is going to cycle a further 4320 miles.

2 March.jpg
Ruth Moore