25 February - Day 4 - 3000 mugs of tea

First, I have to say a thank you to the road workers who filled in all the potholes yesterday near Owlerbar roundabout - much appreciated. Then there is also a big thank you for the sponsorship we have received. After week 1 we have £290, with further promises of support totalling £600.

£600 covers the cost of 80 rough sleeper packs or an amazing 3000 mugs of tea for clients.

I got very cold on the way here this morning (the sun was definitely deceptive) and so I stopped at Abbeydale Industrial hamlet to take today’s picture. When I can’t feel my hands or feet, there is no better reminder of how awful it must be for people who have at times in their lives spent nights in the cold - either physically or metaphorically through a sense of isolation. So, as I pedal on for another 4395 miles, that thought will stay with me and I will continue to be warmed by your generosity and the commitment that staff, volunteers, supporters and clients all have for St Wilfrid’s Centre.

Ruth Moore