23 February - Day 2 - Red sky in the morning...


… Shepherd’s Warning?

Day 2 and this was the amazing view from my window this morning. I’ve become a bit obsessed looking at the weather forecast (for obvious reasons) and this morning, the symbol of a weather warning was there kindly waiting for me when I opened the page. I suppose Shepherd’s need warning about 40 mile gusts of wind as much as cyclists do - so the old sayings remain true. I got to the centre safe and sound and was delighted to see how many people have already sponsored me. I really do appreciate every single pound given and know it will come to very good use.

The return journey was well…bracing! What I hadn’t thought to check was the wind direction - full on towards me - I had to pedal downhill to counteract the feeling that someone was pushing me back. What I also clearly hadn’t got right was the suggestion that the wind speed would drop after 3pm. So, from now on ‘Red sky in the morning’, will be ‘cyclist warning’. It feels like I’ve cycled double the distance. Luckily, before I left the Centre today, Mgr Kilgannon gave me a lovely visit and talked about 30 years ago when the Sister had said to him, two months after the Centre was opened, that it wouldn't be big enough and that they would need to expand in to the next building. In many ways it is sad that the need is still increasing but such credit to him that the vision and developments were fully realised back then and have had such an impact over the last thirty years. For that reason, we all need to keep going against the wind. Today, as you will see from the calendar, had no sponsor. Given it was definitely an uphill struggle today, I’d really appreciate it if someone would like to choose February 23rd and make me feel I achieved more than the journey. Thank you in anticipation of your support. Ruth

Ruth Moore