June 30 - Day 85 - 'A stilted heron labored up into the air and pounded down the river.' John Steinbeck
My Mum used to love it if she could see a heron - either in flight or standing statue-like along a river which is why I often think of her when I see one. It’s also why I’ve been frustrated that I’ve not been able to capture (on camera not imprisonment) the few herons that have flown overhead during the 84 days of my challenge.
As you can see from the picture, my luck has changed. The heron flew over the road directly in front of me and landed in a field. I was convinced that it would fly off again to find a river so I quickly stopped and hid as much as I could behind a wall to take a few distant shots (hence why I missed getting it all in the shot - sorry!).
I didn’t realise until I looked closely at the picture that it had picked up a piece of corn or a stick. It seemed to stay in the field for a long time but, until I read a bit more, I didn’t know that herons land in fields looking for rodents to eat, particularly after harvesting. I also didn’t know that roast heron, often young birds, were on the menu at medieval banquets. Before you have any ideas, herons are protected by The Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981.
All this excitement about herons, has made me forget to tell you that I now have less than 2000 miles to go! I’ve cycled for 2535 miles which, to keep my promise of regularly providing you with useless facts, is five miles further than Sheffield is from the North Pole. It would definitely be good if I could raise a further £1965 to match the miles remaining so please encourage anyone you know to sponsor a date (It even doesn’t matter if it’s one that has already been sponsored or is in the past). Every day sponsored does make the challenge feel that bit easier but more importantly, I know it will make a difference to the work St Wilfrid’s centre does now and in the future.