June 15 - Day 74 -‘You belong among the wildflowers…Far away from your trouble and worry…You belong somewhere you feel free’ Tom Petty

I’ve included two pictures today as I loved the detail in the poppy but also wanted to show where they were growing - out of a dry stone wall, with very little soil around. It’s amazing how plants and, sometimes, people can survive and thrive with very little nurturing.

Over the past year, we’ve all had to grow in situations and circumstances that might seem to lack nourishment and with the further announcement last night, we continue to find ways to adapt and thrive. It is disappointing for us all that we are now having to put off the full opening of the Centre until August but we do know that people’s lives and growth are too precious to get it wrong at this stage. That doesn’t mean we aren’t working hard in the meantime to continue to open each day to provide people with a safe space, groups and sessions and support.

With your generous donations and encouragement, St Wilfrid’s Centre has not only provided the right conditions for growth to many many people over the past 30 years but it continues to recognise that people, like the huge variety of plants that exist, need different conditions, growing times and space. We know that for some people, surviving can be in itself a struggle but if we continue to personalise and adapt our responses to client’s individual needs over the next thirty years, we know that with the right support, people will not just survive but grow and some will flourish. After all, everyone deserves to belong somewhere they feel free.

Ruth Moore