Case Study: Luke
Luke (name changed) has learning disabilities & started attending St Wilfrid’s Centre this year. He works part time in a kitchen in a residential care home & lives with his mother. Both Luke & his mother wanted him to have some meaningful activity for his days off from work & to expand his social network as Luke was socially isolated.
With regular attendance at St Wilfrid’s Centre, Luke’s confidence has grown since January & from being the shy, nervous man, who rarely spoke to anyone, Luke is now actively involved in all the activities he attends and is interacting & socialising both in & outside the centre with other clients.
His mother came in especially to St Wilfrid’s to thank us & report that Luke’s confidence has improved at home, that he talks continually about all he is doing at the centre, is enthusiastic and generally much happier. She stated that they both wished Luke could have attended St Wilfrid’s years ago.
“Luke is now actively involved in all the activities he attends and is interacting & socialising both in & outside the centre with other clients.”